Welcome to Lighthouse Baptist Church!
We are a Christ centered community that loves and supports one another.
We invite you to join us in worship and fellowship.

About Lighthouse Baptist Church
We are a new church, just getting started in Jackson, MI. We are an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church, meaning that we have no governing ties to any other church organization.
We use, teach, and trust only the King James Bible because we hold the conviction that it is the inspired, inerrant, preserved Word of God for all English speakers.
We are a soul winning church. We intentionally go after lost souls for Christ, believing in an individual responsibility to tell others how to be saved.
We hold that salvation is by grace, through faith in Jesus. Salvation cannot be forfeited or revoked; we believe in the eternal security of all genuine believers.
We are conservative and traditional in our services and standards. We believe that preaching should be hot, pointed, and empowered by the Holy Ghost. We welcome EVERYONE to come to our services.