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The Scriptures

We hold that the King James Bible is the infallible Word of God, given to the English-speaking world. We interpret the Scriptures literally unless the passage is shown clearly by context or explicit declaration to be figurative or metaphorical. (Ps 119:160, John 17:17, II Pet 1:21)

The Godhead

God is a triune Deity—the Trinity. God is one God, existing in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. God is eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. God is holy, just, immutable, perfect, loving, merciful, and long-suffering. We hold that Jesus, the Son of God, is both fully God and fully man. (Gen 1:26, Is 7:14, Mt 3:17-16, Lk 1:35)

The Church

Believers are commanded to gather together for edification, exhortation, worship, and labor for the Lord. The pastor is the human leader of the local church, while Christ is the Head. (Heb 10:25, Heb 13:7)


There are only two church ordinances: baptism by immersion and Communion/The Lord’s Supper. Both of these are for believers only.

  • Baptism symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and by it, a believer publicly identifies themselves with Christ. (Rom 6:4-5, Acts 8:36-37)

  • The Lord’s Table is done in remembrance of the broken body and shed blood of Christ. (I Cor 11:23-29)


Man was created in the image and likeness of Almighty God on the sixth day of creation. We flatly reject evolution as an explanation for life. (Gen 1:26-31)


Marriage is God-ordained and is the basic building block of society. Marriage is designed to form families that bear and raise children unto the Lord. (Gen 2:18-24)

  • Marriage is only between one man and one woman. (Mt 19:5, I Cor 7:2)


We hold to the ecclesiastical separation of churches, to the separation of God’s people from worldly activities and amusements, of the holy from the profane, between the natural sexes, and believe that Christians should look, act, and sound like a holy, called-out people. (II Cor 6:17)


We accept the biblical account of a six-day creation as completely factual. We hold that these were solar days of 24 hours. We believe that the Creation is approximately 6,000 years old. (Gen 1)

  • We believe that the earth was created for man and that he is to exercise dominion over it. (Gen 1:28)

  • We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God. We believe there are exactly two types of people: male and female. We do not believe there are meaningful biological differences in the nations of humanity (i.e., there is only one singular race of people—humanity); but we do maintain that men and women were created differently and complementarily, according to God’s purpose. (Gen 1:27)


Salvation is by grace through faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus—plus nothing. There is no other path to Heaven. (John 14:6, Eph 2:8-9)

  • The shedding of Christ’s blood bought our redemption. (Col 1:14)

  • All men are born in a condemned state. There are none righteous. (John 3:18, Rom 3:10, 3:23)

  • Salvation is free to all who would take of God’s offer. (Rom 10:13)

  • Salvation is eternal and cannot be revoked or forfeited. (John 10:27-29)

  • Salvation is from everlasting fire in Hell and the Lake of Fire to Heaven, before the throne of God. (Rev 20:15, 21:8; Rev 22:1-5, 22:16-17)

  • Salvation is by choice; one made within the free will of those who wish to be saved. (Rev 22:17)

The Great Commission

Requires that all Christians:

  1. Go.

  2. Teach all nations (the Gospel).

  3. Baptize their converts.

  4. Train converts to obey Christ’s commands, starting with the Great Commission.


There are other ways to help fulfill the Great Commission, such as giving to missions and financially supporting a soul-winning ministry. We hold that tithing and missions support is, in fact, biblically required, but “give” does not equal “go.” We hold that “go” is an individual command for each able believer, just as much as “give” is an individual command. (Mt 28:19-20)

The Return of Christ for His Church

Is imminent, if not immediate, and will precede seven years of global tribulation, followed by the millennial reign of Christ. (Mt 24:36-42, I Cor 15:20-53, I Thes 4:14-17, Rev 4:1, Rev 20:2-3)


We are an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. We use, teach, and trust only the King James Bible because we hold the conviction that it is the inspired, inerrant, preserved Word of God for all English speakers.




1800 Park Rd

Jackson, MI 49203

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